Crops & Soils – Corn, Soybeans, Forages, Grazing

If you have questions regarding Agriculture/Crops in Crawford County, contact Sam Bibby at, our Regional Crops Educator.

Crops & Soils Program- Division of Extension

Crops and Soils Program
The Extension Crops and Soils Program provides timely resources and information to help Wisconsin grain and forage producers and their agricultural consultants manage crops efficiently and profitably.

Corn, Soybeans and Other Field Crops

Provides you with three of the latest Corn-Soybean Weed Management Resources

Corn Agronomy
Our mission is to generate, integrate and apply science-based knowledge of crops grown for food, feed, fiber, and fuel.

Crops and Soils
Provides specific information regarding: Economics, Budgets & Financial – Emerging Specialty Crops – Forage Production & Management, Grain Production & Management

Crop Budget Cost of Production Calculator for Wisconsin
Extensions Crop Budget Calculator can be used to help estimate cost of production. 

Estimated Costs of Crop Production in Iowa
Information Provided by Iowa State University Outreach and Extension

Corn Silage Pricing
Extension St. Croix provides you with a Corn Silage Pricing Excel Spreadsheet as well as an option to access a free Android or Smart phone Corn Silage App that will help you determine fair prices when buying or selling corn silage.

Farmer to Farmer – Hay, Forage and Corn List 
Farmer to Farmer provides a way for Wisconsin farmers to be in touch with one another for the purpose of buying and/or selling corn and forage.


Voisin’s Four Laws of Grazing & No Till Drill & Sprayer for Rental USE

Voisin’s Four Laws of Rational Grazing

“Grass Productivity: An Introduction to Rational Grazing”
by author André Voisin

Voisin developed four universal laws of “rational grazing” from his studies as a biochemist and from the many years of watching his cattle graze and putting his methodology into practice. He believed these laws “…must govern all rational grazing regardless of soil conditions, climate, altitude, latitude or longitude (page 193).” His four laws are based on requirements; the first two are focused on the grass and the last two, the cow.

[Please note, reference information for each law is presented as author’s name and page number; example (Voisin 194)]

First Law –   [Rest period Ave. 32 Days Crawford County – GRG]

Before a sward, sheared with the animal’s teeth, can achieve its maximum productivity, sufficient interval must have elapsed between two successive shearings to allow the grass:

  1. To accumulate in its roots the reserves necessary for a vigorous spurt of regrowth;
  2. To produce its “blaze of growth” (or high daily yield per acre) (Voisin 194)

Second Law –   [Don’t Graze the regrowth – GRG]

The total occupation period on one paddock should be sufficiently short for a grass sheared on the first day (or at the beginning) of occupation not to be cut again by the teeth of these animals before they leave the paddock (Voisin 196).

Third Law –   [Dairy (milk cows, calves, heifer), Beef (heifer, stockers, cows) – GRG]

The animals with the greatest nutritional requirements must be helped to harvest the greatest quantity of grass of the best possible quality (Voisin 198).

Fourth Law –   [Move your livestock every 12-24 hours – GRG]

If a cow is to give regular milk yields she must not stay any longer than three days on the same paddock. Yields will be at their maximum if the cow stays on one paddock for only one day (Voisin 199).

Voisin, André. Grass Productivity: An Introduction to Rational Grazing. Originally published 1959 as Productivité de l’Herbe. This edition ©2014 Midwest Journal Press. http://ruralsuburbanliving.worstell

GRG – Great River Graziers

These “Laws of Rational Grazing” are provided to you by: Great River Graziers of Crawford County Crawford County UW-Extension, 608-326-0223


Sprayer for Rental Use

The Sprayer can be rented for $50 per day through the Crawford County Land Conservation Office. Details and rental agreement is available on their website.
You can reach them by phone at  608-326-0270.

Hay Prices, Rate and Yield Guides

Weekly Hay Market Report
Provided through Extension UW-Wisconsin Team Forage
Forage News and Seeding Rate Calculator available

Farmer to Farmer – Hay, Forage and Corn List
Farmer to Farmer provides a way for Wisconsin farmers to be in touch with one another for the purpose of buying and/or selling corn and forage.

Fort Atkinson Hay Auction IA
Up-to-date information on auction prices.

Updated Custom Rate Guide – WI 2020
Looking for what farmers pay on average for custom work?

Calculating Grain Yield Utilizing a Corn Silage Forage Test (Corn Yield Guide)
Provided by Extension Wood County

Machinery Cost Estimates –
* Iowa State University of Extension
* University of Illinois

Soil Testing for Farmers

All your needs are met through the University of Wisconsin Soil and Forage Lab –
Soil and Forage Lab-Home page 
Proper Sampling

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