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Older Youth Opportunities
Trips & Conferences:
Members in grades 7 and up can apply to attend State and National Trips. Any member that is an active 4-H Member can participate. If you attend a trip/conference and fill out your reimbursement form, the Leaders Association will pay up to 40% or $300. Members can also fund raise money by working with the trip committee. This committee helps you raise money, to help pay for your trip. The money will go into an account and is paid out at the time of trip expenses.
State & National Experiences:
4-H Fall Forum – Fall Forum is an opportunity for youth and adult leaders to attend the statewide training weekend with county and state staff. 4-H youth and adult leaders will come together to connect, collaborate, celebrate, and continue building excitement and energy for a new year of 4-H learning. More information: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/statewide-events-and-opportunities/fall-forum/
Summer Academy – This new Positive Youth Development program will help you discover pathways to your future. Signup to learn what it takes to have a career, or a hobby in several SPARK areas including agricuture, STEM, service, leadership, arts, trades, and many more. There will be fun opportunities to build networks and friendships with folks from all over the State of WI.
Citizenship Washington Focus – CWF is the premier week long 4-H Citizenship and leadership experience, bringing 4-H delegations from all over the country to stay in Washington D.C., our Nation’s Capitol!
Experience Includes:
- Gettysburg and Mount Vernon Tour
- National Museum of African Amerincan History & Culture
- Meetings with Wisconsin State Senators
- Capitol Hill and National Mall Tour
- Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery
- Workshops with 4-H members from all across the United States
More infromation at: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/statewide-events-and-opportunities/citizenship-washington-focus/
American Spirit East – provides the opportunity for youth to experience history and heritage through a 10-day bus journey to the East Coast! Participants will increase knowledge of American history while experiencing where it occurred, have dynamic exposure to diverse cultural experiences and perspectives of the foundation of our nation, and further develop skills in leadership and personal expression of values.
Location Highlights:
- Philadelphia, PA
- New York City, NY
- Boston, MA
- Niagara Falls, NY
More information at: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/statewide-events-and-opportunities/american-spirit-east/
Space Camp – is a camp experience where you learn and experience a ton of different aspects about life as an astronaut, working at NASA, and exploring places beyond Earth! Wisconsin 4-H Space Camp participants experience the Pathfinder Program, which is a 3 day experience with activities including:
- a simulated space mission
- a variety of space simulators
- building and launching your own model rocket
- on-site meals and sleeping habitats simulating a real space training experience
- learning about space exploration and astronaut life in guided museum tours
- a team quiz bowl at the end of camp
More information at: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/statewide-events-and-opportunities/space-camp/
Advanced Space Camp – explores college and career preparation through an immersive experience in science, technology, engineering and math. Trainees undergo a variety of astronaut training exercises, engineering challenges, and team-building activities, all culminating in an extended duration simulated space mission. More information: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/statewide-events-and-opportunities/advanced-space-camp/
National 4-H Conference – annually brings 4-H youth and adults from around the nation to work towards strengthening and expanding the 4-H Youth Development program at the local, state, and national levels. National 4-H Conference is the U.S. Secretary of Agricultures’s premier youth development opportunity to engage youth. Youth will participate in a round table topic of their choosing that will focus on key topics such as leadership, agriculture, crime and more. Participate in professional workshops. Meet with legislators from their State to discuss important issues relating to 4-H. Have a chance to network with youth and adults from across the country. Develop an action plan that will be put to use in their own communities. More information: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/statewide-events-and-opportunities/national-4-h-conference/
National 4-H Congress – this five-day Educational Experience held in Atlanta, GA. Congress is the premiere nation-wide event for 4-Hers to network with others from around the country, Canada, and Puerto Rico. While at Congress, 4-Hers engage in leadership, citizenship, global awareness, and inclusion. More information: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/statewide-events-and-opportunities/national-4-h-congress/
International & Global Experiences
Outbound Travel – Every summer, 4-H Youth travel abroad for the amazing opportunity to experinece life in another country by living with a host family for one or two months. All programs are chaperoned by a trained 4-H adult volunteer, who remains in-country with the delegation during the exchange for support and assistance. While abroad, 4-H’ers learn about their most country’s culture while sharing their own. At the end of the month, delegates return home with friendships and memories to last a lifetime! More information: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/statewide-events-and-opportunities/international/travel-abroad/.
Inbound Programs – Each Summer Wisconsin families have the opportunity to host a youth from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Mexico or Costa Rica for one month. Families learn about another culture while sharing their own lives through meals, events, holidays, games, chores and more. No special plans are needed as these youth want to experience American culture, make new friends, and improve their English by staying. Expand your horizons, learn about another culture, and develop lifelong friendships! More information: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/statewide-events-and-opportunities/international/host/
To apply for trips/conferences mail or email Amy your 4-H resume and two references to:
Crawford County UW-Extension
Attn: Amy Mitchell, 4-H Youth Development Educator
225 N. Beaumont Rd., Ste 240
Prairie du Chien, WI 53821
Or email amy.mitchell@wisc.edu
Trip and Conference Additional Information:
Crawford County 4-H Ambassador Program:
Members in grades 9-13 are encouraged to apply for this opportunity. Ambassadors will be promoting 4-H throughout the county, assist in leading 4-H activities and events, work with other youth from around the county and most importantly HAVE FUN!
If you are interested in helping with the Ambassador Program, contact Amy Mitchell, amy.mitchell@wisc.edu or call 608-326-0224.
Crawford County 4-H Leaders Association Scholarship – Any high school Senior, who is an active member and turned in a record book their Junior year, is eligible to apply for the Leaders’ Association Scholarship. Members are awarded $250.00 to help with their college education. Click here to access the scholarship form
Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Scholarship – The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation awarded schoarships to outstanding Wisconsin 4-H members and alumni pursuing higher education. Wisconsin 4-H Foundation schoarlships are awarded to students based on demonstrated personal growth through 4-H, development and leadership in 4-H, academic performance, and future educational goals. Visit http://wis4hfoundation.org/scholarships/ for more information.
There are other various 4-H related scholarships available, watch your Clover Leaflet for additional announcements.
Wisconsin Key Awards:
The Key Award is the highest award given in the 4-H program throughout the state. The Wisconsin Key Award Program recognizes a select group of 4-H participants who have demonstrated consistent growth in their 4-H involvement, developed and applies leadership skills, and actively participated in the functions of their 4-H club and community. The award is given to members in grades 9 and above, who have been in 4-H for three years and have one year of leadership. To apply for this award, send your 4-H Resume and cover letter to Amy Mitchell, by mail or email, in early October. Interviews will be held in October and the winners are announced at the Annual Awards Program in October.
A sample resume is available here for you to use to create your own resume. Be sure to include a cover letter!
State Art Groups:
Members in grades 9-13 who are interested in Arts and Communications can apply for the State 4-H Arts Groups: Drama Company and Art Team. The 4-H Arts groups are formed for the express purpose of giving 4-H youth the opportunity to develop their artistic and leadership skills in real-world applications at Summer Academy and Fall Forum. Visit Wisconsin 4-H Communications Art page for more information.