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Wisconsin Horticulture
UW-Madison Extension offers many opportunities to become more knowledgeable about gardening, taking care of your plants and lawns through webinars, articles and other resources; connecting you with the educational resources of state specialists and extension educators.
Our Learning Store provides many articles, publications, etc. related lawn and gardens, flowers, trees/shrubs, etc.
Free Yard & Garden Webinar Series
We are offering free webinars to help you become a better gardening and take care of your plants in an more environmentally friendly manner. Connect with UW-Madison state specialists and extension educators.
Find out more and register today!
New to Gardening?
Gardening and learning to grow your own food provides many benefits, but we know it can be a bit intimidating when first starting out.
Check out our New Gardener Resources to get your Wisconsin garden started quickly and easily.
Latest Horticulture News from UW Extension Division
Insect Control & Identification
General Approaches to Insect Control
There are several general approaches to insect pest management. When developing an overall pest management strategy it is helpful to consider all of the available options. Most specific insect control methods can be classified into the following major categories: cultural control, host resistance, physical control, mechanical control, biological control, and chemical control. Not all are appropriate or useful in the home garden.
Insect Diagnostic Lab – Website
Part of the mission of the IDL is to provide support to the county extension offices throughout Wisconsin. In addition, the diagnostic lab provides diagnostic services for the general public, private companies, agricultural producers, pest control professionals, the green industry, medical professionals, and other groups. Homeowners are encouraged to first check with their local extension office for help as many samples can be handled in a more efficient manner locally.
Vegetable Crop Entomology
Grove Lab – Our research and extension group is located in the Department of Entomology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Our program is centered on the ecology and management of insects of commercial and fresh market vegetable crops. Specifically the focus of our research and extension program is:
- Research to meet the current and emerging challenges of Wisconsin’s commercial and fresh market vegetable growers and producers.
- Extension education to deliver research-based information to the stakeholders and the public.
- Improving sustainability of commercial and fresh market vegetable production in Wisconsin through research-based IPM practices.
Weeds and Invasive Plants
Weeds and invasive plants can out-compete our desired plants, reduce the attractiveness of our landscapes, and even cause physical harm to people and animals. Identifying and understanding the life cycle of weeds can be important in determining the best control methods and protecting our native landscapes.
Homeowners guide to pesticide safety – youtube video
Plant Disease, Disorders, etc.
Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic
Plant Diagnostic Clinic – UW-Extension Madison – Provides information about contacting the clinic and submitting samples. The website also provides online resources such as fact sheets about plant diseases and the Wisconsin Disease Almanac which provides weekly updates about plant diseases identified in the clinic.
There is a fee associated with the diagnosis.
Digital or physical samples are submitted to the clinic, a diagnosis is determined using a variety of diagnostic techniques, and clients receive a personalized report with the results for their sample(s) as well as supplemental information-such as a University of Wisconsin Garden Facts fact sheet-on the disease in question. The report includes information on the plant disease identified, as well as appropriate control recommendations for clients, emphasizing cultural controls which would reduce possible misuse of pesticides.
A healthy, dense lawn offers numerous benefits to the environment and community. It provides play areas, filters pollutants from air and water runoff, cools the environment, prevents soil erosion, adds oxygen to air, increases property values and much more. University of Wisconsin – Madison Division of Extension publications and fact sheets provide the information you need to establish and maintain a healthy lawn.
Lawncare Calendar
Soil Testing for the Homeowner
Lawn and garden problems can be caused by a variety of issues. Soil testing offers homeowners a way to get at the root of those issues by assessing the nutrient status and soil conditions in their lawn or garden.
“Visual and tactile clues can provide some insight into soil texture and organic matter levels, but soil testing is the best way to determine fertilizer needs of gardens and turfgrass,” said Andrew Stammer, director of the University of Wisconsin Soil and Forage Analysis Lab in Marshfield. “Laboratory soil tests provide a great deal of accuracy and quality control not available through other methods of evaluating soil nutrient levels.”