Food Business Development

We partner with other UW-Madison and Extension programs, including Community Economic Development, Farm Management, the Food Financing Institute, and the Food Research Institute, to provide Food Business Development programs. We connect small-scale food and farm entrepreneurs with business services providers and research-based training and resources on topics such as food safety and licensing. We are working to ensure that our programs and resources are culturally responsive and available in multiple languages.

Extension Food Business Development Resources

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Food Cart and Truck Vendor Resource Guide

This resource guide was designed to help licensed Wisconsin food cart and food truck vendors implement best practices in safety, identify new business opportunities, and utilize resources, such as grants, loans and childcare support during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wisconsin Food Processing Guide

The Wisconsin Food Processing Guide presents a comprehensive array of topics that must be considered by the food entrepreneur. It provides a point of reference and reflection for those starting up, scaling up, or even those who are just dreaming

Healthy Retail Access Program Evaluation Report

This report evaluates the City of Madison’s Healthy Retail Access Program (HRAP) which provides small grants to food retailers to improve access to affordable, healthy, and culturally appropriate foods in low food access areas of the city.

Food Safety

Learn the latest food safety concerns and best practices for safe food handling and preparation from an Extension food safety specialist.

Beginning Farm & Enterprise Development

Explore Extension resources and networking opportunities for farmers new to the business and those looking to increase revenue streams.

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