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Food Assistance Resources
Crawford County Food Pantries – Details
Food Pantries during the time of COVID-19

As of October 15, 2004 the name of the federal Food Stamp Program in Wisconsin has been changed to “FoodShare Wisconsin “. This essential food and nutrition program no longer uses “stamps” to deliver benefits to persons enrolled in the program. The Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services hopes that this new name and image will foster an expansion of the program so all eligible children and families receive the food and nutrition assistance they need.
For more information on FoodShare Wisconsin, go to this web site http://dhs.wisconsin.gov/foodshare/.

Access is your connection to Health and Nutrition Benefits.
This website is a quick and easy way for people who live in Wisconsin to find out if they might be able to get:
– Help with buying food
– Low- or no-cost health care
– Help with buying prescription drugs
– Home energy assistance
– Special tax credits
To find out if you are eligible, go to: https://access.wisconsin.gov/
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a nutrition program for pregnant women, infants, women who are breastfeeding, postpartum women, and children younger than 5.
WIC provides nutrition education, breastfeeding education and support, supplemental nutritious foods, and connections to other community services.
To apply contact your local office: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/wic/clinic-locations.htm

Within the School Meals Programs, free and reduced priced meals must be offered to qualifying students. School Food Authorities (SFAs) receive reimbursement for each reimbursable meal served to students. The reimbursement rate for each meal differs depending on a student’s meal eligibility (free, reduced, or paid).