A father’s role is critical to a child’s healthy development. This connection builds a strong foundation in language, critical thinking, physical skills, social and emotional learning, and so much more! Join us and other fathers and father-figures for a Zoom series to explore parenting tips and learn ways to strengthen your relationship with your child. Attendance at all sessions is not required. Join us for one, several, or all sessions!
The schedule of sessions will be held on the following dates from 6-7pm. You will be contacted at the email you provided each week by an Extension Educator to remind you of upcoming sessions. Attend one or all sessions.
Every 2nd Tuesday | 6-7pm
Tuesday, January 14: Fathers Help Children Stand up for Themselves
Tuesday, February 11: Fathers Teach Values
Tuesday, March 11: Fathers Teach Kindness
Tuesday, April 8: Fathers Communicate with Children
Tuesday, May 13: Relax and Enjoy Fathering
Tuesday, June 10: Fathers Teach Perspective
Tuesday, July 8: Fathers Help Children Make Good Choices
Tuesday, August 12: Fathers Help Children Handle Emotions
Tuesday, September 9: Fathers Teach Children to be Good Citizens
Contact Amanda Griswold at amanda.griswold@wisc.edu or at 608.326.0223 with any questions.
Wisconsin Public Radio- "What do fathers need to be successful?"
Take a listen to this WPR segment on UW-Madison’s research regarding what fathers in WI need.
Click here!