It’s easy to spread African swine fever—without even knowing it. The virus can stay on clothing and equipment and survive for months in pork products.
Be aware of these potential pathways and consider them when creating or updating biosecurity plans

County Agriculture Impacts

Agriculture is a vital part of the economy in nearly every Wisconsin county, whether urban or rural. Family-owned farms, food processors and agriculture-related businesses generate thousands of jobs and millions of dollars of economic activity while contributing to local income and tax revenues. The economic impact varies from county to county as do the commodities.


Are you looking for ways to face challenges you may be facing this fall as K-12 students attend school virtually and as childcare providers close or reduce numbers? If so, this Guidance for Parents With Childcare Needs may be an extremely helpful tool for you to access.

Eating Healthy

Eating healthier happens one small step at a time. Give you snacks a boost by combining food groups, like dipping your veggies in hummus, addin fruit to your yougurt or putting peanut butter on celery or whole wheat toast. For more great healthy eating ideas explore the Crawford County FoodWIse Nutrition Education page.

Managing your personal finances in tough times

Knowing what to do when you’re faced with an abrupt drop in income due to a layoff, salary reduction, illness or divorce can seem overwhelming. To help people find ways to make ends meet in the midst of turbulent economic times, the UW-Extension Family Living Program has developed a new financial management tool.   A website […]

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