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Planning Ahead
Many people wish to arrange their affairs to live well in their later years, and ensure that their end-of-life plans follow their wishes. Still, it is something that many people find challenging. Planning AHEAD is a new online class from UW-Madison Division of Extension, created to address most aspects of end-of-life planning.
A 7-session (90 minutes each) course that Extension Educators guide participants through examining health care wishes, financial responsibilities, legal requirements and documentation, distribution of personal property, end-of-life decisions, dealing with grief, and the emotional ramifications of all of the above. The program is designed both for those who want to prepare for their own passing, to make things easier for family members, and for those who have, or are in the process of, losing a loved one and are dealing with the transition. This course features an online planning workbook to help organize the tasks and documents associated with end-of-life decisions..
Join us for the in-person class, Tuesdays: September 10 – October 22, 2024 from 2-3:30 PM in Prairie du Chien.
Call the Crawford County ADRC today to reserve your spot! 608.326.0235
Resource Links for Course Participants
Click Here for the following Resources on:
Handling Financial Changes
Advance Medical and Legal Directives
Estate Planning
Choices in End-of-Life Care
Final Wishes
Understanding Grief

There will also be a virtual class series where you can join from your home on Zoom.
Please register at https://go.wisc.edu/4bey7h
Contact the Life Span Program Manager, Sara Richie, for more info on the virtual class at sara.richie@wisc.edu.