Raising Wisconsin’s Children Online Parenting Classes

2024-2025 Series

December 19, 2024: Family and Finances

As a parent or caregiver, we have many responsibilities to keep track of that impact our financial well-being. Explore how values and financial behavior impact your overall well-being and learn strategies and resources to help you.

February 20, 2025: Speaking Your Child’s Love Language

Clear communication helps us connect. Learn how to speak your child’s love language. All parents and caregivers are welcome.

March 20, 2025: Learning Life Skills Through Household Chores

Chores are shown to benefit kids. Learn more about setting age-appropriate chores and helping kids stay motivated. All parents are welcome.

April 17, 2025: How Kids Develop Self-Control

Toddlerhood can be a difficult time to navigate. Learn how self-control develops in children so you can better understand where your children are developmentally and how to best support them.

Raising Wisconsin’s Children Conference 2025

Join us for a free, online conference designed for parents, caregivers, and all those that raise Wisconsin’s children. Participants will get practical, research-backed parenting tips from today’s leading experts.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025
8:15 AM – 4:30 PM
Virtual on Zoom

If you would like more details on Raising Wisconsin’s Children, you can find it HERE.

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