
When you became a parent, did you receive specific training on how to handle temper tantrums, how to manage complex family budgets with limited resources, how to deal with the needs of a teenager and how to prepare your child for the real world?  Probably not!

Most careers provide and even require on-going professional development. Why should it be any different for you as a leader in your family?  You will find parenting education can give you ideas and tips AND make parenting FUN!  With that in mind, we are continuously working on opportunities that will allow you to access information when you want it to help reduce the stress parenting brings, add more fun to your family, and help you transition through changes that occur.

Triple P is designed to provide the appropriate amount of support a parent needs to assist them in managing problems independently, and to provide communities with early intervention to prevent child abuse, mental illness and anti-social behavior. This is one of the most effective evidence-based parenting program in the world, backed up by more than 35 years of ongoing research. Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them build strong, healthy relationships, confidently manage their children’s behavior and prevent problems developing. Triple P is used in more than 30 countries and has been shown to work across cultures, socio-economic groups and in many different kinds of family structures.

This class is for anyone caring for a child ages 4-7. It will help parents give children skills to effectively solve their own problems, provide fun games to help children learn these problem solving skills and consider consequences and to help children care about and understand their feelings.

Programs to aid parents in the journey of co-parenting (divorce, already divorced, or never married but separating).  Parents/Caregivers gain various insights and skill sets that will, through each stage of the transition, help meet their children’s needs as well as help them lead happier, less stressful lives.

Court ordered – Parenting Class (Co-Parenting, Parents Forever™)

Focus on Fathers is an online fatherhood parenting program especially for dads. Involved fathers enhance their children’s communication skills because they tend to ask children questions, which builds vocabulary and conversational skills. Positive father involvement includes direct interaction with children, including caregiving and shared activities.

Explore parenting tips and learn ways to strengthen your relationship with your child.

Parent cafes are virtual small group conversations led by a parent host. Cafes are a safe, fulfilling way to talk, listen and support each other with the stressors and challenges of parenting. Register here

A free parenting newsletter that is delivered by email and specific to a child’s age and needs. They are designed so that information that’s relevant to your family is automatically delivered to you just in time.

Strong Feelings is a 6-part series designed to help adults understand and respond to children’s strong feelings using emotion coaching. Supporting children’s emotions helps them feel better, manage their behavior, and feel closer to caring adults. Each video reviews a different aspect of emotion coaching. We’ve also provided additional resources to learn more about children’s strong feelings and to talk about emotions with children.

UW-Madison Extension offers a free online video class called Home Alone. the lessons were developed to help you prepare your child for self-care.

Raising and Caring Kids is a FREE Social & Emotional Learning resource to help caregivers.

This is a great source of well-researched, quality information about families and relationships through all ages. Ranging from topics about Prenatal/Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, Teenagers to Family Health & Well Being and Caregiving.

A workshop for birth, foster & adoptive parents, grandparents, relative caregivers, child-serving professionals and community members to share information about trauma and the effects on children to strengthen positive relationships between children and adults. Tuesdays June 11 – July 30 , 2024, 9 – 11am via Zoom.

If you would like additional resources on Parenting Programs, visit

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